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Generation Health
Medical Clinic

We are dedicated to providing excellent care
and a professional and friendly service.

What We Do

Welcome to
Generation Health, Castleknock & Monkstown

Generation Health Medical Clinics was founded by Dr Nina Byrnes. The practice started as a GP clinic in Castleknock, Dublin 15. This has been enlarged with the addition of a second medical surgery in Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Nina is known as a hardworking, compassionate and trustworthy doctor. She is well respected among patients and medical colleagues alike. Nina has a deep understanding of the health concerns and needs of those attending a GP and what they want from their local clinic. Generation Health was set up with the mission of creating a true Family Clinic, one that provides first class, 21st century health services, for all generations, without compromising on attention to the dignity, wellbeing, quality of life and holistic care of every individual who attends us.

General Practice

We have a highly skilled team with wide range of experience and training to care for all our patients from the young to elderly and families.

Friendly & Warm

We offer a personal and friendly service and use great care and sensitivity with all our patients.

Expert Advice

We possess a wide range of experience and knowledge that allows us to advise you in the matters that may be affecting your health.

What We Do

We offer an extensive range of services to our patients. From Antinatel Care to Mental Health

Here at Generation Health we want you to


Get Well

We provide full General Practice services with GPs available in both Castleknock and Monkstown from 8am to 6pm. Appointments with our doctors are available early morning, lunchtime and evening in both surgerys. We are usually able to provide same day access for appointments with a choice of male and female doctors. A fully qualified mid wife and practice nurse with smears, immunisations and nurse appointments available from 8am to 6pm. 24 hour cover for nights, weekends and bank holidays. All our services are provided in convenient neighbourhood clinics providing seamless consistency of care.


Stay Well

The team here at Generation Health wants you to lead a long and healthy life so we place a strong emphasis on preventive healthcare both through health checks in the surgery and through the education of our patients, doctors and nurses alike.

Our Dr Nina Byrnes also promotes preventive health at a national level through her participation in radio, print and TV media. This committment to, and belief in the importance of preventative healthcare, is shared by all of the doctors in our Castleknock & Monkstown clinics.


Live Well

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is very important to us here at Generation Health. You can reduce the risk of many cancers and diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, vascular disease, arthritis and liver disease by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking and avoiding excess alcohol. All our team are happy to help and advise you with any lifestyle change you wish to undertake. We have a dietician who attends the clinic monthly. Good mental health is also actively promoted. We have close links with a number of local counselling services and have a visiting psychotherapist on site.

COVID-19 Policy

The Health and Safety of our patients is our top priority during the Covid-19 pandemic, know that when you visit us, we are taking every precaution to protect you. This can only be achieved by working together and following the HSE guidelines.

If you think you have been infected or are showing symptoms of COVID-19, please call us in Castleknock on 01 823 5367 or in Monkstown on 01 246 1157

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever (high temperature - 38 degrees Celsius or above)
  • cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Loss or Change to Sense of Smell

All visits to our Medical Clinics are strictly appointment based. Please call us in Castleknock on 01 823 5367  or in Monkstown on 01 246 1157 to enquire about an appointment.

If you experience any of the COVID related symptoms before your appointment to one of our Medical Clinics please call us in Castleknock on 01 823 5567 or in Monkstown on 01 246 1157 before attending the appointment.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever (high temperature - 38 degrees Celsius or above)
  • cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Loss or Change to Sense of Smell

All patients are expected to adhere to the HSE guidelines while visiting our Medical Clinics.

These guidelines include:

  • Wear a face covering inside the Medical Centre
  • Wash your hands well and often to avoid contamination
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing and bin used tissue
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

These guidelines will be displayed clearly at the Medical Centre.